Mihara Yasuhiro is a renowned Japanese fashion designer, celebrated for his creative designs and innovative approach, which have earned him international acclaim.
He is well-known for his originality and depth in design that transcend traditional boundaries, showcasing his unique style through a wide range of products, from footwear to clothing. In particular, his designs reflecting a deconstructionist perspective are a hallmark of the Mihara collection. With his creativity and innovation, Mihara Yasuhiro has established a distinct position in the fashion industry, and his works are beloved by fashion enthusiasts worldwide.
Plastick Bandage X Mihara Yasuhiro
GVG Store introduces the latest products from the domestic street fashion brand 'Plastick Bandage.'
Plastick Bandage is a brand led by domestic sneaker artist Rudy, and this collection unveils special collaboration products with Japan's leading designer Mihara Yasuhiro.
The collaboration collection consists of two long-sleeves and one hoodie. The long-sleeves feature Rudy's artwork reinterpreting Mihara Yasuhiro's signature sneakers, 'Wayne,' while the hoodie harmoniously combines Plastick Bandage's Plower logo and Mihara Yasuhiro's "Kutsuhimo Musubena Gun" character.
About Mihara Yasuhiro
Mihara Yasuhiro is a renowned Japanese fashion designer, celebrated for his creative designs and innovative approach, which have earned him international acclaim.
He is well-known for his originality and depth in design that transcend traditional boundaries, showcasing his unique style through a wide range of products, from footwear to clothing. In particular, his designs reflecting a deconstructionist perspective are a hallmark of the Mihara collection. With his creativity and innovation, Mihara Yasuhiro has established a distinct position in the fashion industry, and his works are beloved by fashion enthusiasts worldwide.
Plastick Bandage X Mihara Yasuhiro
GVG Store introduces the latest products from the domestic street fashion brand 'Plastick Bandage.'
Plastick Bandage is a brand led by domestic sneaker artist Rudy, and this collection unveils special collaboration products with Japan's leading designer Mihara Yasuhiro.
The collaboration collection consists of two long-sleeves and one hoodie. The long-sleeves feature Rudy's artwork reinterpreting Mihara Yasuhiro's signature sneakers, 'Wayne,' while the hoodie harmoniously combines Plastick Bandage's Plower logo and Mihara Yasuhiro's "Kutsuhimo Musubena Gun" character.